Does anyone actually know what a “Garden Trug” is? I didn’t until Susan handed me a set of instructions and pictures she downloaded from “Instructables” and said “I want one.” So… to the workshop I went with my marching orders.

This is a “garden trug” I just finished building. This full length video features the various steps I took during construction. The plans were downloaded and forwarded to me from my wife along with marching orders to get hot and get this thing built! Here’s the link for the instructions if you would like to build one for yourself:

Note that I varied from the plans slightly by using bits and pieces of scrap wood I had around the shop instead of the full-sized lumber called for. I simply milled and glued up the small scraps into the sizes of wood needed for the build. It took more time and extra work, but I didn’t buy any of the materials for the project. Even the hardware cloth was a left-over piece of scrap from our chicken coop build.

Here’s the video: