#Keyrack #Keyhanger #Key #Homestead #DIY #Rural #Homemade

You can easily build a similar Key rack but you don’t have to have a CNC router. You can carve text or graphics with hand carving chisels, or you can simply paint on the images you wish. I made this one for a local non-profit organization: Women for Healthy Rural Living (WHRL) and here is the link: https://whrl.org/auction/

This particular item may be included in the local raffle rather than the online auction as the auction theme this year is focused on coat racks (of which my entry was featured in my last video).

Just a quick note: I have deleted my Patreon account and I’m no longer participating on that platform. Thank you to the Patron’s that have supported my projects over the past few years.

Here’s the video: