Site icon Paul Bennett's Downeast Thunder Creations

(S-7 Ep-29) Walker Edison DW48D30 Desk Build


#WalkerEdison #Desk #DIY #DW48D30 #Build #BuyerBeware #Misadventure #Junk #Crap #Substandard #WasteOfMoney

I guess I just might be a glutton for punishment. As a volunteer for WHRL (Women for Healthy Rural Living) here in Milbridge, Maine, I am assembling the third desk, same model, same company that gave me fits the previous two builds. Not to disappoint my expectations, this build turned into another bout with grief.

WHRL Web site:

This is a long video, folks. Sorry about that, but it was necessary to cover all the key points of the assembly process.

If you have purchased one of these, you have my sincere condolences. If you have not yet begun to assemble yours and it is still in the box, I would advise you to return it, unopened, and get your money back. If you have begun assembly and get stuck, please DO NOT call me!!!

Here’s the Video:

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