#Garden #Trug #DIY #Basket #Build #Veggie

I closed down my Patreon account a few months ago, so I am now making some of the exclusive, Patreon only videos available.

This is an exclusive, full featured build video (originally) for my Patrons (only) on Patreon. There was a very short “teaser video” of this subject matter released to the public, but they couldn’t access this one unless they became Patrons.

This video chronicles the entire fabrication of my wife’s newly designed Garden Trug from start to finish. The design was based upon a trug design by another person but modified for simpler construction and the materials I already had on hand. The materials used consisted of approximately 80% reclaimed and repurposed scraps from previous projects.

This actual full build video was previously unlisted and only available to my Patreon subscribers. I hope you enjoy the video.

If you are wondering where the continuation of the tiny house build series of videos went: We are on hold at the moment. We are waiting for the new trailer to be built and made ready for us to pick up in Massachusetts. We expect it won’t be ready for at least a couple of more weeks or so.

Here’s the video: