Site icon Paul Bennett's Downeast Thunder Creations

(S-8 Ep-2) Tiny House Build Part 9

Tiny House framing

#TinyHouse #TinyHome #DIY #Trailer #Build #homestead #Maine

This past week was quite hectic. I still have some sort of flu virus and feel like crap. We had a couple of major storms that prevented us from getting over to the boatyard to work on the tiny house and had to deal with quite a bit of storm damage.

With a particularly higher tide than usual, combined with torrential rainfall and hurricane force winds, all of the piers that service the lobstermen were completely demolished and washed away except one. The one that survived was the newest and the one that is part of the boatyard where we are building the tiny house.

I did make some progress though, just not as much as I would have liked. I finished installing support studs and headers for the door and forward window. I also built a set of steps and platform so it is easier to enter and exit the trailer through the doorway because the tiny house floor is a couple of feet off the ground. Once again, I use mostly recycled materials to accomplish this. The planks used for the steps and platform started life as my steam box, and then were used to make up the strongback for building my sailboat hull. Now they have been cut to length and used for this stair/platform unit for the tiny house. It’s all assembled with screws so they can once again be used for some other project down the road when this unit is no longer needed.

In the next video, you may notice some scaffolding in use. I just purchased a couple of sections to aid in the construction of the tiny house and reduce the need to constantly hump up and down ladders.

If you are looking for a high quality, moderately priced, tiny house trailer of any size, contact Steve Wright at Wright Trailers, Inc. Info below.

Wright Trailers, Inc.

1825 Fall River Avenue

Seekonk, MA 02771

Phone: (508) 336-8530

Here is the link to Part 1 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 2 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 3 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 4 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 5 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 6 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 7 of this series:

Here is the link to Part 8 of this series:

Here’s the video:

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